Archives 2023

Bibles Given to Lwanda Classic Pupils

We were privileged to have gotten donations to give every child at the Lwanda Classic School a bible. We are very grateful for the kind gesture from one of our partners. We strongly believe in raising children under strong Christian values under biblical guidance. Raising spiritually grounded children is one of the things that we value so much as a ministry.

Lwanda Classic School is part of the Str8way Ministry’s Project. Our aim is to provide affordable education to needy children in the community. A few of the pupils, we have are being sponsored fully, especially those raised up in the rescue center.

You can be part of this work by sponsoring a few students as God enables you.

Baby Elly Story

Elly is one of the beneficiaries of the Child Rescue Center at Str8way. She was brought in when he mother passed on after delivery and there was no one to take good care of her. We pray for baby Elly to grow well, socially spiritual,ly and physically as we trust God to continually provide for her. She is an addition to the 45 children already at the rescue center.

Fell free to adopt and or support baby Elly by putting a comment below the article. It costs about USD 200 dollars to take good care of baby Elly interms of her health, food shelter and clothing.